


for people with dementia and their carers
a place to create and connect
FREE Dementia-Friendly Exercise Courses
Physiotherapist-led, build confidence, retain mobility and promote flexibility. Attendees will be given individual exercise plans to continue at home.
Five-week courses in 2025 for people with dementia accompanied by an exercise partner starting: January 9th or March 13th, Thursday 11.30-12.30 at Middle Street Resource Centre, 74 Middle Street, NG9 2AR. Enquiries: 07543 534336
Dementia support information and daycare
Broxtowe is home to a novel approach to dementia support; The Studio, which operates from the Royal British Legion Hall in Beeston. The aim of The Studio is to enrich the lives of people with dementia and to support their family carers. The Studio was set up four years ago to meet the need for day activities tailored to individuals with dementia. Its distinctive focus is on enabling people with dementia to have fun and socialise through the use of creativity and imagination. Activities include music, exercise, conversation, crafts and occasional outings. The Studio also runs sessions providing Couples Support, Carer Peer Support, Sporting Memories and Movement for Health & Wellbeing